“Welcome Home” is a new HD series produced by Sleeping Dog Productions. The working title is taken from a custom developed by Viet Nam veterans here in the United States. To this day, when a Vietnam veteran meets a fellow veteran of that war, their common greeting is “Welcome Home”. Many viewers will understand, perhaps for the first time, just how heroically and successfully the United States military and its allies performed in Southeast Asia. “Welcome Home” is intended to be a personal – as opposed to a political – series. However, it is a simple matter of historical fact that the decision of the United States to withdraw from South Vietnam and allow North Vietnam to complete its objective was a political – not a military – one. The straightforward presentation of the missions accomplished by these veterans will make it abundantly clear that they should be sincerely thanked for a job well done - as all other veterans of America’s wars have been.
“Welcome Home” will give Americans a much better understanding of the people who fought the Viet Nam War, how they did their jobs and how gallantly they performed. With that understanding, perhaps the troops will finally receive (albeit 40 years after the fact) the welcome home that has so far only been provided one Vietnam Veteran to another.
Welcome Home The Vietnam Diaries